Tuesday 7 April 2015


CrossFit WOD #1: Half Cindy
The full Cindy is 20 minutes, you’ll be happy you’re only starting with 10.  Because your body isn’t used to the endurance needed for many WODs, you may find yourself completely unable to rise from the ground to do a push-ups after one round. “By only doing half the time, you’re diminishing returns,” says Lobotsky. “You’ll quickly learn exactly what your body is able to do and how soon you hit exhaustion.” And with that comes the importance of form.
As you start to get tired, your form may begin to deteriorate, so don’t be ashamed to use modifications (if you don’t, especially at the beginning, you may be a superhero). To modify this WOD, use a resistance band, wrapped around the bar for assisted pull-ups. Push-ups can be done on your knees (even that will become difficult). Keep count of your rounds and record it so you can track your progress.

CrossFit WOD #2: CrossFit Total

Do not let these heavy lifts intimidate you; they will only make you stronger. This WOD focuses on getting newbies accustomed the heavy lifting element of the sport. The workout isn’t timed; it’s about learning how the weight affects your body and how much weight you can move safely. “Don’t try to max out intensity,” says Lobotsky. “I prescribe five back squats as opposed to the usual three so you get used to feeling that weight on your shoulders if you’ve never done it before.”
Form is key for this WOD. If you’re not sure how to do the lift, ask a trainer or someone who is well-versed in lifting for help. Lobotsky also recommends taking a video of yourself and posting it to social media or sending it to a fellow CrossFitter for pointers and suggestions. Staying safe is the number one priority.

CrossFit WOD #3: Helen

Sure, anyone can run. But don’t underestimate this one. “Don’t go as fast as you can on the first run because you’ll exhaust yourself,” Lobotsky warns. “You’ll die after one round.” Endurance is important, and while it takes time to build, doing CrossFit will teach you a lot about how much your body can handle. To modify this WOD, try Russian kettlebell swings (the weight only comes up to parallel with your shoulders, as opposed to American where it comes overhead) if you’re unable to safely swing the weight overhead. For pull-ups, wrap a resistance band around the bar for assistance, or you can do ring rows if your strength isn’t there yet.

CrossFit WOD #4: Wall Ball, Burpees

Why the 21, 15, 9 rep scheme? There isn’t a definitive reason why, but by the time you get to 9 reps, it’s guaranteed to feel as hard as 21 did. Plus, it’s worth noting that all 21, 15, and 9 can be broken down into rounds of 3, (21 would be 3 rounds of 7 reps, 15 would be 3 rounds of 5, and 9 would be 3 of 3). This helps if you need to break up the reps and take a breather — which is allowed and encouraged!

CrossFit WOD #5: Sit-ups, Lunges

This is an interval style WOD, demanding you to push as hard as you can for three minutes, followed by two minutes of rest. “While this does help build up cardio, we use it more for training and endurance, so you can push back to fatigue in each interval,” says Lobotsky. And while you won’t fully be able to recover in the two-minutes (don’t be alarmed… it’s not supposed to happen), you should come close to matching your numbers each round. If this starts to feel too easy, scale it up by adding weight to the lunge or add another two rounds to make five rounds total.

One of the best features of CrossFit is that every workout that comes up can be modified. Rep schemes, weight and time can all be altered for beginners. You have to work your way up in this sport. “You’re not going to walk in and say ‘hey I’m going to lift 500 pounds,’ and do it,” says Lobotsky. (That’s a good way to get hurt!) CrossFitters come in all shapes and sizes, and improvements all depend on the person. So don’t be discouraged at first. Instead, focus on getting better each and every time you score that next WOD.

To get full details please e-mail to befitforever247@gmail.com

From: http://dailyburn.com/life/fitness/beginner-crossfit-workouts/

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